Chu Feng frowned and thought for a while, and said softly: "Light a few more fires, and then build a simple shelter, there should not be much problem in spending the night safely." "

Spending the night outside, fire is the easiest thing for wild beasts to fear.

"You decide, I'll cook lunch first." Liu Yimeng said softly, the reminder has been reminded.

She built a stove with a few stones, set up a steel pot and started the fire.

"I'll go find some wild vegetables." Chu Feng stood up and looked around.

It didn't take long to find a few edible wild vegetables under a tree, dig them up and wash off the dirt on the leaves with a small amount of water.

Liu Yimeng twisted the wild vegetables into several pieces with her bare hands, threw them into a steel pot and cooked, and there was some venison in it.

More than ten minutes later.

She extinguished the fire with earth, clapped her hands and said, "It's ready to eat." "

Chu Feng pursed his lips, looked at the stew in the steel pot, picked up the chopsticks and took a piece of venison and chewed it.


Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, and she asked a little nervously: "Will it be difficult to eat?" "

"Not bad." Chu Feng chuckled, this time the taste is indeed okay, although it is not as good as what Yun Xin made, but it has improved compared to before.

"That's good." Liu Yimeng breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the chopsticks and ate them.

Without the girl's help this time, I was very satisfied to be able to do this.

After the two finished lunch, it was more than twenty minutes, they simply packed up their things, carried the bamboo basket and set off again.

This time it was descending, walking along the road cleared before, and the speed of progress was much faster.

After more than two hours, the two finally came down from the hill and reached the jungle below.

Chu Feng took out the bamboo tube and handed it to Liu Yimeng, asking, "Do you need to rest?" "

"No, just go slowly." Liu Yimeng gasped slightly, took the bamboo tube and raised her head to drink a sip of water.

"Then go slowly." Chu Feng said softly, taking out the bamboo tube and drinking water.

"Go this way, and soon you will see the meadow." Liu Yimeng wiped the water stains on her mouth with the back of her hand, and walked towards the outside of the jungle.

Chu Feng followed behind, while vigilantly observing the surroundings, after all, according to the Liu family sisters, there were jackals here.

The two walked for twenty minutes and finally came to the edge of the jungle, where hundreds of meters of open grass came into view.

"Chu Feng, look quickly, the deer herd is there." Liu Yimeng said in a low voice, pointing to the other side of the meadow, where more than a dozen deer were feeding on the grass.

"There are a lot of deer." Chu Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed, these were walking foods.

"What are we going to do? Shoot directly with an arrow? Or lay traps? Liu Yimeng was a little nervous and a little excited.

"Just use the bow and arrow, it's not early." Chu Feng said softly and took down the bamboo bow on his body.

"With my bow." Liu Yimeng quickly took off the bow and arrow and handed it over, while he took the bamboo bow in Chu Feng's hand.

After all, Chu Feng had already hunted a deer, and she was different from the person who had the luck to shoot the deer, and she still had self-awareness.

"Okay, you wait for me here, I'll go around the back of the deer herd and see if I can shoot one." The corners of Chu Feng's mouth raised, and he put down the bamboo basket on his body, bringing only a bow and arrows, as well as a firewood knife for self-defense.

"Then you be careful." Liu Yimeng nodded in reply, knowing that following would increase the possibility of exposure.

"Well, don't run around, wait for me to come back." Chu Feng instructed again.

He hid his breath and got into the jungle and walked to the other side of the open field.

After more than ten minutes, Chu Feng successfully rounded to the other side of the open field, and then slowly approached the edge of the grass with a half-bent waist, and finally stopped when he was only fifty meters away from the deer herd.

He hid behind a large tree at this time and began to pick his prey.

"That's you, big enough." Chu Feng quickly picked out the target, it was a stag, the size of the few largest bucks in the deer herd.

The stag is about one meter and five meters in size, and is vigilantly watching around at this time, 'letting go' for other companions.

Chu Feng skillfully bent the bow and took the arrow, aimed the arrow at the stag, and at the moment when it lowered its head and prepared to graze, it released the finger that hooked the bowstring.


The arrow shot out quickly, leaving a breaking sound, very fast, directly piercing the neck of the buck, leaving a small section of the tail of the arrow trembling outside.

The stag stumbled, fell to the ground and struggled.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to brush the barrage, and many gifts began to brush.

"Chu Feng is a marksman, can he hit the target every time he shoots an arrow?"

"This is enough food for the four of them to survive the winter."

"One hit kills, this ADC is a bit powerful."

"With such archery, you won't have to worry about eating in the wild."



The deer herd panicked and fled in the opposite direction where the bow and arrow were fired, extremely fast.

"Great, Chu Feng's archery is also too powerful." Liu Yimeng held a bamboo bow in his hand and witnessed the whole process of Chu Feng's hunting of stag.

"Tread, tread..."

The scattered herds of deer, some of which rushed in her direction, made her stunned.

"Huh? How did it come to my side. Liu Yi was stunned, and immediately put the bamboo arrow on the bamboo bow, and before she could get ready, the deer herd had rushed past the woods where she was hiding.

Suddenly, a deer seemed to have turned the wrong direction and rushed past Liu Yimeng in a panic.

Liu Yimeng subconsciously aimed at the deer, and then immediately released the bowstring in his hand.


The bamboo arrow shot out, hitting the fawn in the hind limb, causing it to fall to the ground and roll twice before stopping.

Liu Yimeng held the bamboo bow tightly, suddenly stayed for a few seconds, and exclaimed: "Great, I actually shot." "

She then reacted and immediately rushed over, directly pressing the deer under her, making it immobile.

Liu Yimeng showed a confused smile and shouted loudly: "Chu Feng, I also shot the deer." "

The audience in the live broadcast room frantically brushed the barrage.

"Uppercase groove, that's okay?"

"Serve, this operation is not convinced, the luck girl is online again."

"I originally thought it was the existence of Zhan Wuscum, but I didn't expect luck to be her weapon. (of Lee's)"

"Liu Yimeng should buy lottery tickets."


"Liu Yimeng also shot the deer?" Chu Feng was a little confused, and quickly put away his bow and ran to the side of the stag.

The stag was already dying, he picked up the stag and strode towards the location where Liu Yimeng was, extremely fast, directly across the open field.

The stag is about two hundred pounds, and with Chu Feng's current physique, it is only a little difficult to carry it and run.

The drone overhead followed Chu Feng, filmed this picture, and transmitted it to the live broadcast room.

"Groove! Another lying groove with a capital letter, did Chu Feng take medicine? So perverted? "

"Is this still human? Can a man carry a stag that fast? "

"That's an exaggeration, isn't it?"



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