"Very steady." Liu Yiqiu also tried the new wooden stool, and sat up much more comfortable than the big rugged wood.

Chu Feng thought for a moment and said softly, "Let's help you make two more toothbrushes." "

"Huh? Chu Feng, do you still make toothbrushes? Liu Yimeng's long eyelashes trembled, what should I do with a toothbrush?

"Oh, made of deer tail feathers, this is the toothbrush made by Chu Feng." Yun Xin showed off and took the toothbrush ~ out from the wooden frame.

"Your life is so exquisite." - Liu Yimeng exclaimed.

The two of them brushed their teeth with charcoal and fingers, and simply cleaned their mouths, but they didn't expect that Chu Feng and they still had toothbrushes to use.

"It's just that now there is no deer tail hair, so I can only replace it with rabbit hair." Chu Feng looked at the deerskin vest that the girl was wearing.

"Do you want rabbit hair, I'll pull it out." Liu Yiqiu quickly stood up and walked towards the old shelter with a torch.

After a while, she returned with a handful of rabbit hair, which was pulled from three other large rabbits.

Chu Feng took the rabbit hair, according to the previous method, first removed the bent and coarse miscellaneous hair, then fixed it with a handful of threads, and finally used resin to fix it for the second time.

When the two toothbrushes were ready, it was already an hour later, and there were still a few girls to help.

"It's so comfortable." Liu Yimeng is holding her own toothbrush and rubbing it on her face, and the softness is softer than the toothbrush used in the city before.

Liu Yiqiu was amazed, her beautiful eyes looked at Chu Feng, is there anything else he can't do?

"Hee-hee... This is toothpaste. Yun Xin smiled and took out the bamboo tube containing toothpaste.

"You guys are too good." Liu Yimeng exclaimed, carefully smelling the smell of mint.

"You can go to the shower, and rest early after a busy day." Chu Feng said with a dumb smile.

He and the girl have been praised too many times today, and they are almost a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I have to wash it well if I sweat." Yun Xin pulled the neckline and sniffed, there was a slight smell of sweat.

Liu Yimeng sniffed at her sister, wrinkled her nose in disgust, and said, "Sister, you should take a bath, you are almost dirty." "

Liu Yiqiu's eyebrows trembled a few times, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Your taste is no better." "

"You can take a hot shower tonight." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Hot water? Do you cook in a steel pan? Liu Yimeng said stunned, if the steel pot is boiled in hot water for bathing, I am afraid that it will take several boils to be enough.

"No, you'll find out later." Yun Xin stood up with a smile on his lips, came to the fire in the clearing outside, and threw some stones inside to burn.

Chu Feng stood up and moved the water tank vacated today to the wooden cage next to the sink, and now the water has not been led to the new shelter, and the bath is still washed here.

"Do you have towels?" Chu Feng asked with a smile.

"No..." the two shook their heads.

In addition to the storm jacket, only the vest, chest coat, shorts and underwear were fabric, how could there be a towel.

"My pants have been torn apart, and there is no extra fabric."

Chu Feng's eyes scanned the two, and then he coughed dryly: "You guys dismantled the vest and used it as a towel, otherwise it will be very inconvenient." "

"Pants? Wait..."

Liu Yiqiu looked at Chu Feng's storm pants, suddenly remembered, and exclaimed: No wonder, no wonder you picked such wide pants in the first place, in fact, to have more fabric? "

She was surprised in her heart, but she didn't expect that Chu Feng had been making meticulous preparations for wilderness survival since that time.

"Well, the program team doesn't have a rule that can't be like that." Chu Feng grinned, praising his wit and cleverness.

Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng looked at each other, and they both smiled bitterly in their hearts, and the two of them did not expect this at all.

Half an hour later.

"Okay, ready for a hot shower." Yun Xin used a sapper shovel to pick up the burnt stone, came to the wooden cage, and put the stone into the water tank.

In the curious eyes of the Liu family sisters, the girl introduced water into the water tank by connecting the bamboo tube used to release the water and the bamboo pipe that was connected to the water outlet of the sink.


A lot of smoke rose from the water tank, the injected water began to boil, and as the water was filled, a tank of warm bath water was boiled.

"Can it still be like this?" Liu Yimeng and the two sisters were surprised, and it was the first time they saw such a bathwater.

"The method that Chu Feng came up with."

Yun Xin took the soap to Liu Yiqiu and urged, "Okay, you guys go to the bath first, and the water will be cold later." "

"Good." Liu Yiqiu answered gratefully, and then helped her sister into the bamboo cage.

····· Ask for flowers...


"It's so comfortable, la-la~~~" Liu Yimeng held the water tank with one hand, bathed in the wooden cage, and hummed a small tune.

After about ten minutes, she opened her mouth and shouted: "Sister, I have washed it." "

"Here it is." Liu Yiqiu answered casually, entered the wooden cage and helped her sister out.

"I haven't taken a hot bath for a long time, and I should sleep comfortably tonight." Liu Yimeng's face was happy.

How hard it is to take a hot bath in the wilderness, and there is soap to use, and now she is the cleanest day in more than twenty days in the wilderness.

"It's my turn to wash." Liu Yiqiu helped her sister back into the thorny fence.

She borrowed a sapper shovel, shoveled a third of the remaining stones in the fire, poured them into the water tank, and filled it with water by learning Yun Xin's operation.


Liu Yiqiu got into the wooden cage, took off her clothes and began to take a bath.

When the hot water was poured on her body, she felt more comfortable than ever, and involuntarily groaned: "I really want to wash it all the time." "

But the water in the tank was limited, and in about ten minutes, she took a bath, got dressed, and got out of the wooden cage.

"Rest early tonight." Yun Xin came over at this time, holding a change of clothes in his hand.

"Okay, it's a good night." Liu Yiqiu's face was slightly red, which was smoked by water vapor.

"Peace." Yun Xin waved his hand and was ready to take a bath.

Liu Yiqiu returned to the shelter and gently closed the thorny gate.

Liu Yimeng is applying medicated mud to her feet, and now her left foot has completely disappeared, leaving only a faint bruise that has not yet dissipated.

After seeing her sister come in, she couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Sister, does Chu Feng mean to acquiesce today that we stay?" "

"It should be, in the future, we must be diligent and help more." Liu Yiqiu instructed.

The few days here in Chu Feng were the most comfortable for them after coming to the wilderness, and such days must be cherished.

"I know, tomorrow we will take the dried mango and bamboo shoots." Liu Yimeng nodded seriously.


"Four more,( ̄▽ ̄). Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass. Ask for support. "_

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