365 days of wilderness survival

365 days of wilderness survival


432 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: 365 days of wilderness survival

Chu Feng was reborn in a parallel world and participated in a program that had never appeared in his previous life: 365 Days of Survival in the Wilderness.

Group 1: It’s so difficult. We’ve been hungry for four days.

Chu Feng's group: Alas~~ I can't finish the food every day, and it will smell bad if I leave it for too long.

Group 2: It’s so cold!Our shelter was full of leaks and air leaks.

Chu Feng's group: Just build a wooden house when you have time. It's safe and comfortable.

While others were still struggling, Chu Feng had begun to satisfy his spiritual needs, doing some carving, making pottery, and studying outdoor packages...


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