1928: The rise of giant merchants

Chapter 585 A strange combination of circumstances

Ye Luo was speechless. Anyone who is familiar with history knows that the principal wants to touch Hu Hanmin.

But at this time, it was still more than a month before that incident happened, and literati like Xu Zhimo had received the news, which shows how confidential the information dissemination within the Kuomintang was.

Who is Hu Hanmin?

One of the most important members of the early League.

The editor-in-chief of Min Bao, a newspaper affiliated to the Tongmenghui, and one of Mr. Sun's main assistants, has held important positions in the Jinling Provisional National Government, the Chinese Revolutionary Party, the Very Presidential Office of the Republic of China and the Jinling National Government.

Six years ago, Mr. Sun passed away in Peking. After that, the most powerful people in the Kuomintang were Wang, Liao Zhongkai and Hu Hanmin. In the same year, Liao Zhongkai was assassinated. The principal came to power and has maintained a cooperative relationship with Hu Hanmin.

In 1928, he also served as the legislative president of the Jinling National Government.

But as Hu Hanmin's power grew, the principal finally couldn't sit still.

Ye Luo didn't want to get involved in this kind of secret fighting in the political arena, nor did he want to talk about it.

Seeing that both Ye Luo and Liang Sicheng were not interested, Xu Zhimo, who was rather gossipy, had no choice but to give up and replace it with some literary anecdotes.

After having afternoon tea, Xu Zhimo and Liang Sicheng went to a literati gathering together, while Lu Xiaoman and Lin Huiyin stayed in Ye Mansion to play with Ye Zhuohua and the others.

There was still an endless stream of guests coming in the afternoon, and Ye Mansion became the busiest place on the beach on New Year's Day.

The gifts that were delivered piled up like a mountain, and the storage room that Xiaoli originally organized could no longer fit in, so she had to help tidy up the new room while thinking about it.

That night, Ye Luoguang invited the remaining leading overlords in the southern textile industry and proposed the establishment of a Southern Textile Industry Association, which would be responsible for coordinating the relationship between textile factory owners and workers, as well as between bosses and political figures.

To put it bluntly, it is a merchant union mainly composed of textile industry bosses to respond to possible changes in the textile industry after tariff independence.

After all, the market is such a big one, and there are countless types of capitalists coming in this year. If there is no unified organization to manage it, something bad is likely to happen.

As the new leader of the industry, Ye Luo naturally has to shoulder this responsibility and restrain the behavior and speech of the bosses.

It was already eleven o'clock in the evening after this impromptu meeting ended.

Ye Luo followed Shi Jianqiao back to No. 32 Xiafei Road for a rare trip, feeling the bone-chilling night wind.

This was the initial base of Ye's investment, where he often brought Zhou Xiangsheng, Wu Liande and other backbones to work, and it was also his private residence.

However, as Ye's investment grew larger and larger, and after the new headquarters building was built in the British and French Concession, it became an abandoned place.

When Ye Luo goes home now, he usually sleeps in Ye Mansion or other villas. He almost didn't come here throughout last year.

When I walked into the lobby, the signboard of Ye's Investment Co., Ltd. was still there on the wall. Although I hadn't been here for a long time, there was no dust on the sign, and the tables, chairs and floor were also very clean.

"Has anyone else been here?" Ye Luo looked at Shi Jianqiao in confusion.

Shi Jianqiao shook his head: "I don't know."

"Maybe it's my sister-in-law or Die'er." Ye Luo finally found the light switch. After pressing it several times but there was no response, he realized that the power was out.

Besides him, Hu Die and Lin Ruxian also have the keys to this house.

However, Hu Die should always live in the villa that Li Shuzhen bought for her and the twins. That should be Lin Ruxian who still has no fixed place and no status.

Ye Luo sighed, sister-in-law's problem is also quite difficult.

She had a reputation as a femme fatale. Even though she was vindicated in the Ruishan case, Ye Luo helped Lin Ruxian clear herself of suspicion and infamy through Ye's newspaper.

But good people never care about the truth, they just want it to be as interesting as they think.

"Jianqiao, you go back and have a rest. Just ask a few Ye's security staff to guard outside." In the dark, Ye Luo couldn't do anything. He felt sleepy. He simply asked Shi Jianqiao to go back and pick him up tomorrow. .

Shi Jianqiao nodded, sensed the surroundings again, and after confirming that there was no danger, he opened the door and left.

There was no electric light, so Ye Luo had to go upstairs in the dark, pausing every step for fear that something might happen to him due to the stairs that were in disrepair.

Most of the construction companies during the Republic of China had no conscience. They would cut corners and materials if they could. In many places, they would save money if they could. The main idea was that "life and death are determined by fate and wealth."

After finally reaching the third floor, the bedroom door was ajar. After pushing it open, I could smell a faint fragrance, which should be a woman's perfume.

It seems that someone else came during the day.

During the day, Hu Die took the twins to rest in Ye Mansion. It seemed that they were Lin Ruxian.

Thinking that he had left his sister-in-law to accompany Huixin in the United States to handle matters, Ye Luo felt more and more indebted to her.

Although I can't give her a title, I can at least treat her as my own woman.

For Ye Luo, Lin Ruxian is a rather special existence.

The two met ten years ago, when he was still a half-year-old child. Although his mental age was not young, his body was like that of a child. At that time, Lin Ruxian was just like his biological sister.

When he went to the villa in Jingruishan, he often ate and slept with Lin Ruxian, and sometimes bathed together. If he was not a time traveler, Lin Ruxian should be Ye Luo's sexual enlightenment person.

"Hey, is there someone on the bed?" Ye Luo tiptoed to the bedside, and was shocked to find that the quilt was scattered and there was a slight arch inside, so it was obvious that someone was lying on it.

Listen carefully and hear the faint sound of deep sleep.

Ye Luo's first reaction was to draw a gun!

But soon, the woman on the bed was murmuring softly in her sleep. It was hard to hear clearly, but it was obvious that the other party was not on guard against her.

She slept soundly and soundly.

"Sister-in-law?" Ye Luo asked closer.

The woman responded vaguely.

After confirming that the other party posed no threat to him, Ye Luo simply got into the quilt and hugged the woman from behind.

The only people who have the keys to this bungalow are Hu Die and Lin Ruxian. Who else would be sleeping here now besides my sister-in-law?

The woman felt the hot touch on her back and moved slightly, but her confused consciousness prevented her from doing anything.

Ye Luo put his hand into his nightgown and groped around gently. Since she was her sister-in-law, it would be fine.

I just took this opportunity to comfort her.

Lin Ruxian, who had been widowed for many years in Ruishan, actually had a great need for this, but she had been in the United States before, and Huixin was there, so the two rarely got tired of being together. After returning, Ye Luo was always at the Ye Mansion and never had the chance to see her alone. she.

As expected, the woman quickly became emotional.

"Well" she was in a daze, but her body was so hot that she couldn't control it.


Early next morning.

When Ye Luo woke up and saw the big star Ruan Lingyu still sleeping soundly in his arms, he suddenly realized that he had gotten into big trouble!

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